Google yesterday launched an update to it's search algorithm and calls it "Hummingbird". It seems like an add-on for the Knowledge graph search feature which is the Google's initiative towards making search more meaningful. Before I jump on what Hummingbird feature will add-on to the search capability in Google, l et me throw some light on how conventional search work's and what changes knowledge graph feature introduced. Then we will try to understand where Google is trying to go with Hummingbird algorithm by comparing it with the bird Hummingbird! How search works? Every one is creating web pages whether its businesses or individual s. There are trillions i.e. 10^18 of web pages.As per Google it's 60 trillions and it's continuously increasing. There are around 400,000,000 domains. 150,000 new url's every day. People can't reme mber the url's as there are so many for everythi n g, so people use search eng ines like Googl...
Undisturbed am I, undisturbed is my soul, undisturbed mine eye, undisturbed mine ear, undisturbed is mine in-breathing, undisturbed mine out-breathing, undisturbed my diffusive breath, undisturbed the whole of me.