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Showing posts from November, 2017

Kumaoni Song - Aai hai hai re mizata o hoi hoi re mizata

Maachhi lai.... fatak maari ya baluwa reta ma.... O hausiya chhaji raye ya hariya khet ma...... Rangeeli bindi ghaghari kaai dhoti laal kinaar waai Rangeeli bindi ghaghari kaai dhoti laal kinaar waai Aai hai hai re mizata o hoi hoi re mizata Aai hai hai re mizata o hoi hoi re mizata Ki mukhi pyoli fuli waai ya aankham,, ya aankham kaai feriya syayi aai hai hai re mizata oi hoi hoi re mizata  aai hai hai re mizata oi hoi hoi re mizata  Ek haath datuli chhe ek haath aina ek haath.......... ek haath datuli chha ek haath aina hai ek haath aina Nau paat ghaghari para,,nau pati ghaghari para reshamiya chaina aai hai hai re mizata oi hoi hoi re mizata Rangeeli bindi ghaghari kaai dhoti laal kinar waai aai hai hai re mzata oi hoi hoi re miza...ta Naak main jhardaar nathuli galadi ma tora Naak main jhardaar nathuli galadi ma tora hai galadi main tora Jhamkanai pajeb chha,,jhamkanai pajeb chha o meri chakora aai hai re mizata o hoi hoi re mizata O rangeeli O Range...

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Log Drain

What is a log drain? Logs are treated as event stream in CF. CF executor with the help of Metron agent send the logs to Loggregator. Doppler is the responsible for forwarding the logs to different log drains i.e. system logs i.e. splunk, paper trail etc... Traffic controller publish the logs to developer terminal and websocket endpoint i.e. Firehose. Nozzles extract the logs form Firehose. How do you create one? By creating user provided service and assigning the log drain path. $ cf create-user-provided-service SERVICE-INSTANCE -l SYSLOG-URL $ cf bind-service YOUR-APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE Why would you use it? To search, filter the logs, debug applications, create reports, find out top exceptions.  What is “Syslog”? System log

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Application Security Groups

What is an application security group (ASG)? What does it do? Application Security Groups (ASGs) are a collections of egress rules that specify the protocols, ports, and IP address ranges where app or task instances send traffic.  The platform sets up rules to filter and log outbound network traffic from app and task instances. ASGs apply to both buildpack-based and Docker-based apps and tasks. Types of ASG's:   Default : public_networks, dns   Staging vs Staging   Platform-wide vs Space Scope Typical ASG's: ASG For access to dns DNS, either public or private public-networks Public networks, excluding IaaS metadata endpoints private-networks Private networks in accordance with  RFC-1918 load-balancers The internal Cloud Foundry load balancer and others internal-proxies Internal proxies internal-databases Internal databases How do you define one? cf create-security-group SECURITY-GROUP PATH-TO-RULES-FILE RULES file eg. [ { ...

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Manifests

1. What is a manifest? What type of file is it? What is its purpose? Manifest is app configuration file which provides declarative way to define app push options. Manifest is a YAML file. Used for deployment of apps in CF. 2. How do you create a manifest? cf  create-app-manifest APP_NAME  [-p pathtofile] - Create an app manifest for an app that has been pushed successfully 3. If I specify a command in a manifest and on the command line what happens? If application build pack need app owner to specify the command to start an application. It overrides the build pack start command. 4. What happens if I don’t specify a deployment option at all? App will be installed with cf defaults i.e. default instances as 1, disk memory as 1GB, RAM as 512MB, default routes etc...