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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Application Security Groups

What is an application security group (ASG)? What does it do?Application Security Groups (ASGs) are a collections of egress rules that specify the protocols, ports, and IP address ranges where app or task instances send traffic. The platform sets up rules to filter and log outbound network traffic from app and task instances. ASGs apply to both buildpack-based and Docker-based apps and tasks.

Types of ASG's:
  Default : public_networks, dns
  Staging vs Staging
  Platform-wide vs Space Scope

Typical ASG's:
ASGFor access to
dnsDNS, either public or private
public-networksPublic networks, excluding IaaS metadata endpoints
private-networksPrivate networks in accordance with RFC-1918
load-balancersThe internal Cloud Foundry load balancer and others
internal-proxiesInternal proxies
internal-databasesInternal databases

How do you define one?
cf create-security-group SECURITY-GROUP PATH-TO-RULES-FILE

RULES file eg.
    "protocol": "icmp",
    "destination": "",
    "type": 0,
    "code": 0
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "80,443",
    "log": true,
    "description": "Allow http and https traffic from ZoneA"

To bind an ASG to the platform-wide staging ASG set
cf bind-staging-security-group SECURITY-GROUP

What can an ASG apply to?

ASG can be applied to 
1. platform wide running or staging ASG set
2. space scoped running or staging set

What is the difference between white and black listing? Which do you use when defining an ASG?
ASG uses white list. White list defines permit-able set of addresses.


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