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Showing posts from 2019

OpenStack - Conceptual architecture showing the relationship b/w services

AWS vs Openstack comparison

Kubernetes Fundamentals

Kubernetes Fundamentals: Open source platform for running cloud native apps                                 --------Cloud native apps------     containers --------Kubernetes------------- platform- linux nodes, vm, cloud instance --------Infrastructure---------       IAAS Kubernetes                 1. Control Plane (Brain)                                 - is a api server, schedular, controllers, persistence store                                 - Store - etcd (stateful)                                 - api server (kubectl -> requests(POST)-> API)(YAML)                 2. Workers Nodes (running applications) Kubernetes API:                 RESTful CRUD: Create, read, update, delete                 kubectl command is used for making API requests                                 kubectl -> YAML -> Kubernetes Cluster (Desired State -> Current State)                 API groups:                                 - Core API