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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Cloud Foundry Overview - public, private and hybrid cloud

What is the difference between a public, private and hybrid cloud?

Difference Private Public Hybrid
Tenancy Single tenancy: there’s only the data of a single organization stored in the cloud. Multi-tenancy: the data of multiple organizations in stored in a shared environment. The data stored in the public cloud is usually multi-tenant, which means the data from multiple organizations is stored in a shared environment. The data stored in private cloud is kept private by the organization.
Exposed to the Public No: only the organization itself can use the private cloud services. Yes: anyone can use the public cloud services. The services running on a private cloud can be accessed only the organization’s users, while the services running on public cloud can be accessed by anyone.
Data Center Location Inside the organization’s network. Anywhere on the Internet where the cloud service provider’s services are located. Inside the organization’s network for private cloud services as well as anywhere on the Internet for public cloud services.
Cloud Service Management  The organization must have their own administrators managing their private cloud services. The cloud service provider manages the services, where the organization merely uses them. The organization itself must manage the private cloud, while the public cloud is managed by the CSP.
Hardware Components Must be provided by the organization itself, which has to buy physical servers to build the private cloud on. The CSP provides all the hardware and ensures it’s working at all times. The organization must provide hardware for the private cloud, while the hardware of CSP is used for public cloud services.
Expenses Can be quite expensive, since the hardware, applications and network have to be provided and managed by the organization itself. The CSP has to provide the hardware, set-up the application and provide the network accessibility according to the SLA. The private cloud services must be provided by the organization, including the hardware, applications and network, while the CSP manages the public cloud services.


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