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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Cloud Foundry Architecture

Can you name the main components running inside Cloud Foundry? Do you know what each of them does?

Main components are:
Cloud Foundry Architecture

Router:  routes incoming traffic to cloud controller or the hosted application in diego cell. It periodically queries the Diego bulletin board system to determine which cells and containers each application currently runs on. Using this router recomputes new routing table based on IP addresses of each cell VM and the host side port number for the cell's container.

Oauth2 Server(UAA) and Login server work together to provide the identity management.

Cloud controller and Diego brain: CC is responsible for application life-cycle and deployment. It directs the diego brain through CC Bridge component to coordinate individual Diego cells to stage and run applications.
CC also maintains record of orgs, spaces, user roles and services.

nsync: recieves the message from CC when user scales an app. It writes number of instances into a desiredLRP structure in the Diego BBS database.

BBS: uses its convergence process to monitor desiredLRP and actualLRP values. It is responsible for launching and killing the application instances.

cell reps: monitors the containers and provides the ActualLRP value.
Cloud Foundry Architecture

Blobstore: is a repository of large binary files i.e. application code packages, buildpacks, droplets.

Diego cell: It is a VM on which application instances, tasks i.e. application or staging, all run as Garden containers. Cell reps container manages the lifecycle of garden containers and the process running in them, and reports their status to the BBS and emits their logs and metrics to Loggregator.

Service broker: is responsible for providing the service instances for provisioned and binded service to the app.

Consul: stores longer lived control data i.e. component ip addresses and distributed locks which prevents components from duplicating actions.

BBS: stores more frequently updated and disposable data such as cell and application status, unallocated work and heartbeat messages. BBS uses MySQL server to save data.

NATS: lightweight messaging and queuing protocol developed using Ruby is used by router-emitter to broadcast the latest routing tables to the router.

Loggregatorstreams application logs to developers.

Metrics Collectorgathers metrics and statistics from the components. Operators can use this information to monitor a Cloud Foundry deployment.

What does Diego refer to?
Cloud Foundry uses the Diego architecture to manage application containers. Diego components assume application scheduling and management responsibility from the Cloud Controller.
Diego flow

Refer to CF section diego-architecture.

What is Garden?
It's the Cloud Foundry container back end, which became available in Diego—the current Cloud Foundry runtime. It is used to create and manage isolated environments called containers. It provides a platform-independent server and clients to manage Garden containers. Garden has pluggable backends for different platforms and runtimes, and specifies a set of interfaces that each platform-specific backend must implement. At the moment, three back ends are available: LinuxrunC (a container specification from the Open Container Initiative), and Windows.

What components run in a Diego Cell?
1. Diego brain: It consists of auctioneer. Responsible for distributing tasks and LRP to diego cells.
2. Diego Cells: manage and maintain tasks and LRP's. Each cell consists of 4 other component i.e. Reps, executor, garden and metron agent
3. Diego Bulletin Board System: is a DB for diego cell to maintain task and LRP related data.
4. Access VM i.e. file server (blobstore) and ssh proxy i.e. broker connections between ssh client and servers.
5. Consul: provides dynamic service registration and load balancing through DNS resolution. Also provides a consistent key-value store for maintenance of distributed locks and component presence.

What is the System domain? And the application domain?
are full domain you want associated with applications pushed to your Cloud Foundry installation, for example

'domain' is used by all CF components (UAA, Login, CC). 'system_domain' is used by cloud controller only for initialization step. This is the domain that is used by 'system_domain_organization' for "system" apps like the console.

When CC boots for the first time it creates first organization (system_domain_organization) and creates the system_domain domain with the system_domain_organization as its owner. If this is not configured, apps will be able to use the same base domain as the CC for their own routes. And this domain may be claimed by any user's organizations, as no one "owns" it.

SYSTEM_DOMAIN, APP_DOMAIN are defined in CF deployment manifest.

What is Cloud Foundry’s API endpoint for?
The API endpoint, or target URL, for your Cloud Foundry instance is the URL of the Cloud Controller. 

'cf api'
What is a container? What is it used for?
Each instance of an app deployed to CF runs within its own self-contained environment, a Garden container. This container isolates processes, memory, and the filesystem using operating system features and the characteristics of the virtual and physical infrastructure where CF is deployed.
CF achieves container isolation by namespacing kernel resources that would otherwise be shared. The intended level of isolation is set to prevent multiple containers that are present on the same host from detecting each other. Every container includes a private root filesystem, which includes a Process ID (PID), namespace, network namespace, and mount namespace.

What is a droplet? How is it created? Where is it stored?
An archive within Cloud Foundry that contains the application ready to run on Diego. A droplet is the result of the application staging process(The staging Task downloads buildpacks and the app’s buildpack cache, if present. It then uses the buildpack that is detected automatically or specified with the -b flag to compile and stage the application). It is stored in blobstore.

What are the purposes of the two data stores used by the Cloud Controller?
CC_DB and Blobstore are two data stores used by CC. 

CC_DB stores data for orgs, spaces, services, user roles, and more.

Blobstore is used to store large binaries i.e. application packages, buildpacks, droplets, buildpack cache, and resource cache.


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