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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Developer Certification - Application Autoscaler

What is the autoscaler?
App Autoscaler is a marketplace service that helps control the cost of running apps while maintaining app performance.
To balance app performance and cost, use App Autoscaler to do the following:
  • Configure rules that adjust instance counts based on metrics thresholds such as CPU Usage
  • Modify the maximum and minimum number of instances for an app, either manually or following a schedule
How would you use it?
To use App Autoscaler, you must create an instance of the App Autoscaler service and bind it to any app you want to autoscale. You can do this using either the Apps Manager or from the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI):
  • Apps Manager:
    • Create an instance of the service.
    • Bind the service to an app.
  • cf CLI:
    • Create an instance of the service.
    • Bind the service to an app.

What can you configure?
1. Instance Limits
2. Scaling Rules

3. Scheduled Limit Changes

Do you understand autoscaler schedules?
Because app demand often follows a weekly, daily, or hourly schedule, you can schedule Autoscaler to change the allowable instance range to track expected surges or quiet periods.


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